The Standard Malaysian Glove (SMG) is a product quality certification scheme from Malaysia. It was formulated by the Malaysian Rubber Board(MRB) and the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers' Association (MARGMA), in consultation with regulatory bodies such as the US FDA.

The SMG provides assurance of quality for low-protein examination gloves that are lightly powdered or powder-free.

The SMG establishes standards for:
- dimensions;
- physical properties
- freedom from holes
- protein and powder contents

The technical requirements for SMG were revised in 2011, and gloves certified under the scheme have been classified into SMG Type I and Type II.
- SMG Type I: Conforms to USFDA requirements
- SMG Type II: Conforms to EU requirements

SMG also can be identified by the presence of the SMG logo, printed in the dominant colour of the dispenser box, with the type of gloves, powdered of powder-free, clearly indicated on the dispenser box.

SMG Promotional Activities